ORV Trails

What ORV Trails are Open in the Western UP

MI-TRALE is issuing this notice to help explain which ORV trails are open and usable due to our limited snow fall so far this year. There are several notes of caution that should be followed.

  1. All MDOT Right of Ways (ROW) remain closed due to MDOT rules. This impacts several routes. (see closed section below)
  2. Snowmobile trails (trail identified by numbers only) are NOT open to ORV even though the restrictive gates may be open. This rule must be followed to ensure that conflicts are minimized.
  3. If a trail is still being groomed by the snowmobile sponsors, respect that trail and stay off.
  4. Be aware of icy sections, especially on morning or evening rides.
  5. Ride with lights and stay right.
  6. The trails may be soft, so we ask that you ride in a manner to minimize trail damage. 

The above notes of caution cannot be emphasized enough. We all must work together to keep our trails open and safe. 

If you don’t know, don’t go!!

What is open:

  1. All County roads that are normally open in the summer.
  2. All DNR Designated Multi-use trails (BN, OR, OC, P, SB, LL, SL).
  3. All MI-TRALE sponsored multi-use trails ES, PF, NR, CR, CL, CE, CW, VC, F, G, PI, CCE, CCW.
  4. The Ottawa National Forest roads and trails are open to 65” or less OHV/UTV by following the Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM) rules and laws. Also Tread Lightly you can be fined for excessive trail damage. 

More info and the MVUM maps can be found on these links https://www.fs.usda.gov/activity/ottawa/recreation/ohv/… 


What is CLOSED

  1. All snowmobile only trails
  2. Highway rights-of-way (ROW) are closed until May 1 this is where the trail runs on the side of M & US Highways allowing a trail to connect. 

MI-TRALE has several ROW’s listed below that will limit connectivity.

LL Route in the town of Watersmeet by the Casino on US45, you cannot go north of the Casino on the LL

LL Route in the town of Paulding on US45

ES Route south of Lake Gogebic on US2 

OR & NR Route in the town of Ontonagon on along M64 

P Trail in Bergland along M28.

  1. Ottawa National Forest trails and roads are being used as a snowmobile trail.

MI-TRALE encourages you to ride our trails and stop by all of our great sponsors, say thank you and spend some money. These are very difficult times for all of our local services due to the lack of snow this year. 

Download our free map app “Michigan UP Trails” all the trails above are there including all the Ottawa National Forest roads and trails.

Author: LaK3G0g0