The shores of Lake Gogebic are a great nesting area for the bald eagle. Look high in the trees or sky while boating and you’ll likely spot several. The adult eagles are easier to spot because of their white heads.
Many migrating ducks use the lake as a stopping off spot. As soon as the ice breaks up, rafts of Redheads, Scaups, Goldeneyes, Buffleheads and some geese flock in. The Mergansers, Wood Ducks and Mallards stay all summer.
Game birds such as Partridge and Woodcock are quite plentiful.
More common birds are Finches, Grosbeaks, Chickadees, Red Polls, Nuthatches, three kinds of Woodpeckers, and Hummingbirds. A Hummingbird can find your feeder within minutes of putting it out. It is a treat to see the Orioles for the week or so they show up. The Blue Indigo appears like a jewel and is gone in a flash. Many varieties of Sparrows come and go. Brown Creepers, Jays, Doves, Warblers, Vircos, Bluebirds and Crossbills will enjoy a birdfeeder. Cardinals are being seen more frequently. A biologist for the Ottawa National Forest, conducted Christmas bird counts for this area and has accounted for over 30 species.
Snowshoe and Cottontail Rabbits, Skunks, Beaver, Raccoons, Weasels/Ermine, Pine Martens, Mink, Gray and Red Fox, Peregrine Falcons, Kangaroo Mice, and many, many more species of wildlife live here. Come and enjoy the experience.
For information on birding hotspots, wilderness or recreational opportunities, contact any Ottawa National Forest district office or the supervisor’s office: 2100 E. Cloverland Drive, Ironwood, MI 49938, phone (906) 932-1330. The Ottawa National Forest Visitor Center at the corner of US-2 and M-45 in Watersmeet offers programs throughout the year for wildlife enthusiasts.